Sunday, 29 August 2010

Lucky 13.

Este es un anuncio oficial, para todos los seguidores del blog y visitantes en general.

Cómo algunos habran notado de unas semanas para acá he posteado únicamente durante los fines de semana. Por razones de tiempo y, supongo, mi generalizada falencia para distribuir mejor mi tiempo esto va a seguir sucediendo.

De hoy en adelante es definitivo que no habrá ningún post nuevo entre semana.

Extiendo mis disculpas a aquellos que están espernado por sus instrucciones. No los he olvidado, en algunos fines de semana tendrán sus instrucciones.

This is an official announcement to all the followers and visitors in general of this blog.

As many of you may have already noticed for some weeks now I have posted only during weekends. By issues of time and, guess what, my general flaw distributing my time this is going to keep happing.

From today on I make it official that there will be no new posts during regular week days.

I express my regrets about the delay in some of the instructions already petitioned. I have not forgotten about them. All of you will get the instructions you asked for. Just have a little patience and come around during the weekends.

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